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Complete Site

This site pattern is different from the do-it-yourself page builders out there because we supply you with a complete site, ready for you to customise. This will ensure that the time you spend will be on the parts of the site that really need your attention and not worry about missing something.


We update the base site with your logo, branding and colourscheme. You won't have to work out what colours match your logo etc, we've already done it.

Your Details

We have populated the right areas of the site with your address, email  and phone number. We've made sure that the email and phone can be clicked to connect with you.

Legal Pages

We've installed and linked up all of the legal pages you need with NetLawman templates. All you need to do is review and update them according to the instructions

Your Social Media

All of your social media channels are neatly integrated into the header and footer to keep your users up to date with your posts. In addition, you can automatically post items to your channels using a service like

High- Performance UK Cloud Hosting

Your site will have all of the versatility of hosting in the cloud but with the reassurance that your data is served from the UK by a small, accountable team.


Your site will be served with its own SSL certificate and will achieve the coveted A+ security rating from SSLlabs.

Backed Up

Your site will be backed up daily with a full encrypted backup stored off-site to enable fast disaster recovery.